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How to maintain the steel wire rope of the stacker?

Author: Edit: Source: Date of issue: 2023.06.16

Stacker is an important logistics equipment, and the steel wire rope used is also one of its key components. The following are common maintenance methods for stacker wire ropes:

1、 Daily cleaning

During use, the steel wire rope of the stacker is often affected by factors such as pollution, moisture, dust, etc. Therefore, it is necessary to clean the steel wire rope after use. Mild soapy water or specialized cleaning agents can accelerate the cleaning effect and protect the wire rope from harm.

2、 Regular inspection

Regular inspection is an important prerequisite for ensuring the safety and normal operation of steel wire ropes. That is to say, the steel wire rope should be inspected at least once a year. Details to pay attention to during wire rope inspection:

1. Check the appearance and condition: Check the surface of the steel wire rope for any damage, wear, twisting, rust, or tearing. Specifically, this may involve welding joints and rope structures to determine whether their stiffness and strength still meet the requirements.

2. Check the connection part: The devices connected by the stacker crane using steel wire ropes should be checked, including the bend wheels, pulleys, clamps on the steel wire ropes, and hangers, to confirm whether they are in optimal operating condition.

3. Inspection and valuation: The service life of the steel wire rope of the stacker crane is usually determined by its load, operating time, and operating load parameters. It needs to be inspected and estimated according to the specified time before deciding whether to replace it.

3、 Maintenance and storage

The storage and maintenance of steel wire ropes for stackers are very important, and the following points must be achieved during use and maintenance:

1. Moisture-proof treatment: The steel wire rope of the stacker is sensitive to damp environments as it is used for hanging goods, and is prone to chemical reactions, resulting in quality loss. Therefore, it is important to keep the steel wire rope dry during storage and handling.

2. Rust prevention treatment: The steel wire rope of the stacker is prone to rust due to contact with goods or erosion by environmental gases. Therefore, when storing the steel wire ropes of the stacker, they should be placed in a dry and ventilated place, and special rust inhibitors should be used.

3. Storage environment: When storing the steel wire ropes of the stacker, the ambient temperature should be controlled to avoid excessive temperature fluctuations within a day, in order to ensure stable quality.

4、 Correct use

When using the steel wire rope of the stacker, it is necessary to follow the operating procedures and strictly follow the safety operation system. Pay attention to the following points:

1. Avoid overweight: Overloading can cause damage to the steel wire rope and decrease its tensile performance.

2. Avoid excessive bending: Excessive bending can lead to cutting and shortening of the steel wire rope.

3. Uniform distribution of load: When using steel wire ropes, the load should be distributed as evenly as possible on the rope to avoid uneven tensile performance.

Maintenance methods can start from daily cleaning, regular inspection, protection, storage, and correct use. As long as the above points are implemented, the aging rate of the steel wire rope of the stacker can be delayed, and its high safety and service life can be maintained.

Title: How to maintain the steel wire rope of the stacker? link:

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